The Ultimate Monthly Goal Setting Method

The Ultimate Monthly Goal Setting Method

Yearly goals can be overwhelming and we normally forget what goals we set at the start of a new year.

Monthly goals can be two things; they can be broken down from our yearly goals, and, they can be smaller goals and habits that you want to try for 30/31 days.

I have been working on a monthly goal setting method that is simple and easy to implement for any goal. Below is the method that I use to help me plan out and achieve my goals.

Monthly goal setting method: SAFE

S - Specific
Our goals for the month need to be specific. With a shorter time period, being specific is a major step in finishing the month with our goals achieved. Specific metrics need to be able to be measured. Think quantitive over qualitative.

A - Achievable and action-oriented
Your monthly goals need to be achievable in this time period. If you set a goal that is not achievable in 1 month, it can deter you from setting future goals.

Goals that have a focus on an action (you can make most goals have this) means you can plan your month, weeks and days to include this action to help you achieve that goal by the end of the month.

F - Fun!
The element came after I was setting goals almost just for the sake of setting them and seeing what other people were doing. I made more time at the start of the month to set goals I wanted to achieve and a goal/s that were also for pure fun. This helped with ticking off things each month that bring happiness.

E - Evaluate
To help with achieving your goals and being able to check in throughout the month, your goals need to be able to be evaluated. This is where setting specific goals comes into play. Evaluating each week on how you are tracking with your goals is just as important as evaluating them at the end of the month.


It's time to give monthly goal setting a go. You will find that having a shorter period of time to achieve goals and new habits, you will have more focus and determination to complete them.

Let us know what your monthly goals are.

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