How to plan your week with a busy schedule

How to plan your week with a busy schedule

Are you always busy? When catching up with someone is this your response to a question, 'I'm just so busy'.

In today's world, we are always busy with something and to be honest, I use that as an excuse not to focus on the things that will make my life happier and lead me towards achieving my goals.

This year the focus is on making time to plan my months, weeks and days to include my goals, habits and routines that make me feel more productive, happy and less stressed.

So how can you make time to plan your week when your schedule is so busy.

Pick a day

Pick a day that will work in with your schedule. If you consider Sunday or Monday the start of your week, those days are perfect as your planning days.

Sunday is my day where most of my planning takes place. Sunday mornings before I do any exercise or tasks around the house is ideal for me as I am in my creative and productive flow.

If that time doesn't work I opt for the afternoon where I can put on a movie and sit on the lounge with my laptop to plan.

Pick a 20 minute time slot


You don't need a lot of time to plan out your week. If you are time conscious, 20 minutes is an ideal period to get all your planning done. Find that time slot where you won't be interrupted and can focus.

This could be first thing in the morning with your cup of coffee or it could be after dinner when the kids are in bed. Find the time that works best for you.

Pick your tools

Where are you going to be writing down your weekly planning? Is is on a digital planner, physical planner, notepad or haphazardly on a piece of paper that you will most likely lose?

Find a planner or notepad that you are not going to lose and can refer back to when needed throughout the week. My weekly notepad planner is perfect for this.

Pick a drink and snack of your choice

Make your planning enjoyable so it becomes a habit and part of your weekly routine.

I consider my planning time a luxury which makes me more excited to schedule in the time to get it done. I grab a snack and/or a drink (varies between an iced chai latte and a gin & tonic) and I find a comfy place so I feel in the zone.


If you don't have 20 minutes, start with 5 minutes and build on this. Make planning a habit and consider habit stacking by combining it with something else you love doing. Maybe it can become a weekly catch up with the besties at a local cafe where you can all plan and work on your goals over a coffee and a chat.

Happy planning!

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